There are some foods that must be avoided before bed, such as carbohydrates and sugars, while there are foods necessary for the body and it is good to eat them at night for many reasons, and these foods help with sleep and digestion in the evening, and in this report you will learn about the 5 best foods to eat before bed According to the latest nutritional studies.

Honey is a healthy alternative to sugary foods. You can make a soothing drink with warm water and lemon to have a comfortable cup of hot water. Lemon and honey is a great evening drink to calm the body and induce sleep.

Eating a handful of almonds before bed is good for your body, it is the ideal type of nuts that you need to eat for good sleep because they contain good amounts of magnesium that relaxes muscles, magnesium is an excellent nutrient for regulating blood sugar levels as well as sleep.
Eating a handful of almonds before bed is good for your body, it is the ideal type of nuts that you need to eat for good sleep because they contain good amounts of magnesium that relaxes muscles, magnesium is an excellent nutrient for regulating blood sugar levels as well as sleep.

Cherries contain melatonin, which helps sleep. You can eat cherries or drink cherry juice at any time during the day because it can help provide a longer and deeper sleep. You can eat this fruit in a healthy fruit salad.
4- Banana:
Cherries contain melatonin, which helps sleep. You can eat cherries or drink cherry juice at any time during the day because it can help provide a longer and deeper sleep. You can eat this fruit in a healthy fruit salad.
4- Banana:

Bananas are a friend of everyone who wants a good night's sleep, most people consume this fruit at breakfast, especially those who follow a diet, but it should be evaluated before bed instead and it is one of the best sleep foods, because bananas contain a high percentage of magnesium that relaxes muscles It calms the body.
5- Spinach:
Bananas are a friend of everyone who wants a good night's sleep, most people consume this fruit at breakfast, especially those who follow a diet, but it should be evaluated before bed instead and it is one of the best sleep foods, because bananas contain a high percentage of magnesium that relaxes muscles It calms the body.
5- Spinach:

Spinach helps treat many people with insomnia to get a good sleep, it is a good source of tryptophan, but green leafy vegetables are also a great source of folate, magnesium, and vitamins B6 and C, which are all major factors in melatonin synthesis, and spinach also contains glutamine. It is an amino acid that helps the body eliminate cell toxins that lead to insomnia.
Spinach helps treat many people with insomnia to get a good sleep, it is a good source of tryptophan, but green leafy vegetables are also a great source of folate, magnesium, and vitamins B6 and C, which are all major factors in melatonin synthesis, and spinach also contains glutamine. It is an amino acid that helps the body eliminate cell toxins that lead to insomnia.