Today, I will share with you the way to make apple cake with the lowest ingredients.
2 apples
To do caramel :
1 cup sugar
To make cake:
3 eggs
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
A cup of a quarter of oil
1 cup milk
1 lemon juice
1 lemon peel
2 teaspoons picning powder
3 cups of accurate
How to prepare:
1- Put in a small skillet sugar and stir until the caramel is formed.
2- We put butter paper in an easy-to-open oven mold everywhere.
3- We care over it, chopped and peeled apples.
4- Put in a suitable bowl of eggs, sugar, vanilla and hit well until the textures are bleached.
5- Add oil, milk, lemon, lemon peel, and hit again .
6- Add Picning Powder, sifted flour and strike for the last time.
7- Pour the cake dough over the apple evenly.
8- Insert it into a hot oven at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.
9- Stir the cake in the opposite in the serving dish.
10- After that, we cut it and present it with here and lips.