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Conditions of the sacrifice of Eid al -Adha according to the law and Sunnah in the Islamic religion

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Conditions of the sacrifice of Eid al -Adha according to the law and Sunnah in the Islamic religion


Conditions of the sacrifice of Eid al -Adha according to the law and Sunnah in the Islamic religion

الأضحية,شروط الاضحية,احكام الشريعة الاسلامية,العيد,عيد الأضحى,شروط الاضحية والمضحي,الشيخ,شروط,الاضحية,العيد الكبير,أضحية,الاضحية واحكامها,عيد الاضحى,الذبح,شروط الاضحية في عيد الاضحى,شروط الاضحية الالباني,شروط اضحية بهيمة الانعام,الغنم,حكم الاضحية

Happy New Year and Happy Eid to everyone. We give you in this article the correct conditions for the sacrifice of the feast according to Sharia and the honorable Sunnah

 And the jurists say in this matter that the Eid sacrifice is required for six conditions:

First: that it is from the beasts of cattle, which is camels, cows, and sheeps, and she is mortal for the Almighty saying: And he said it Al -Hassan, Qatadah, and not one.

Second: That the limited age be legally attained to be a trunk of lamb, or a fold of others, because he said, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him: “ narrated by Muslim .
And the elderly: the fold and above, and the trunk is below it.
The bending of camels: What has been done for five years.
And the bending of the cows: What has two years has been done.
And the bending of the sheep is not a year.
And the trunk: What was done for half a year, so the sacrifice is not valid with the bending of camels, cows and goats, nor without the trunk of the mutton.

Third: To be free from the defects that prevent the parts, which are four:
1- The clear nakedness: It is the one with which the eye is lost, or it stands out until it is like button, or whitening a leukem, indicating evidence of its nakedness.
2- The explanation: It is the one whose symptoms appear on the beast, such as the fever that you sit from the pasture and prevent its appetite, and the apparent scabies that spoil its flesh or affecting its health, and the deep wound that affects it in its health and the like.

3- Al -Larj Al -Bin: It is the one who prevents the beast from keeping pace with its walk.

4- The removal of the brain: because the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said when he was asked what he fears from the victims, and he indicated his hand and said:

 “Four: the lame between it, and the nakedness of its nakedness, and the patient who is illuminated, and the foolishness that does not purify.” It was narrated by Malik in al -Muwatta from the hadith of al -Bara bin Aazib, and in a narration in the Sunan, may God be pleased with him, he said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, rose in us, and he said: “Four is not permissible in the sacrifice.” Al -Albani corrected from Irwa Al -Ghaleel (1148)
These four defects are prevented from the parts of the sacrifice, and they are attached to what was like them or more, so the sacrifice does not divide the following:

1- The blind who does not see its eyes.

2- The grated (which ate over its capacity until it was filled) until the danger is overwhelmed.
3- The generated, if it is difficult, until the danger will be removed from it.
4- The affliction with the suffocation and the fall from the height and the like until the danger is removed from it.

5- Time, which is unable to walk to a handicap.

6- Cut one of the hands or two men.

If you add this to the four defects stipulated, it becomes unimaginable. These six and disgracing the previous four defects .

Fourth: To be the property of the sacrifice, or his authorization of it by the Sharia, or by the owner, so the sacrifice is not valid for what he does not possess, such as the row, the stolen, and the shall be taken with a void claim and the like; Because it is not correct to draw closer to God with his disobedience. The sacrifice of the guardian of the orphan is valid for him from his money if the habit took place and his heart is broken by the lack of sacrifice, and the agent sacrifices the money of his client with his permission.

Fifth: that it is not related to it for others, so it is not valid to sacrifice the mortgaged.

Sixth: To sacrifice it at the limited time legally, and it is after the Eid prayer on the day of slaughter to sunset from the last day of the East, which is the thirteenth day of Dhu al -Hijjah, so the days of slaughter will be four: the day of Eid after the prayer, and three days after it, so whoever slaughtered before The vacuum of Eid prayer, or after sunset on the thirteenth of its sacrifice, was not valid; When Al -Bukhari narrated on the authority of Al -Bara bin Aazib, may God be pleased with him, that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “ It was narrated on the authority of Jandab bin Sufyan Al -Bajali, may God be pleased with him, who said: I witnessed the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, who said: On the authority of Nabisha Al -Hudhali, may God be pleased with him, he said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “The days of al -Tashreeq are the days of eating and drinking and mentioning God Almighty.” Narrated by Muslim. But if an excuse for delaying the days of al -Tashreeq, such as the sacrifice of the sacrifice without neglecting it, did not find it until the time is missed, or the one who sacrifices it will be entrusted, then the agent forgets until the time comes out, so it is okay to be slaughtered after the time came out of the excuse, and by measuring those who slept from prayer or forgetting it, it is He prays it if you wake up or mention it.
It is permissible to slaughter the sacrifice in the day and night, and the slaughter in the day is first, and the day of Eid after the two sermons is better, and every day is better than the following; For the initiative to do good.

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